I’m not sure how you ended up here but I know it wasn’t by chance. I believe in divine guidance + divine timing- these two things are what always bring you to the right place at the right time in your journey. And in this moment you are here with me. So, whether you read my story and it sparks a light in your journey, or if you decide to reach out to me for guidance, your time here in this moment is meaningful.


A bit deeper into my story...

I will never forget when I found the law of attraction. I was only 20 years old and struggling to find my place in the world. I was a victim to life, finding myself spending days feeling lonely even when I was surrounded by thousands of people in beautiful San Diego and nights crying and wondering why I was this way when everyone else seemed to be having a blast with their lives. How could I be living in such a beautiful place and still feel so unhappy? What was wrong with me?

It was during this time that I discovered the law of attraction from a woman named Esther Hicks and my life changed. I started to learn that we are all spirits living in a human body and that this life is meant for our souls expansion and growth, almost like the earth is a school for spirits. It made no sense and total sense all at the same time.

After years of struggling financially, being "stuck" in un-aligned relationships, and trying to be what I thought everyone else wanted me to be.. I finally found peace within myself and suddenly unlocked a windfall of manifestations that I had been trying to force for so long. I learned that we are constantly playing the same loop of limiting beliefs that we picked up from other people in our childhood, which is why we keep seeing and feeling the same results- just in different experiences. This is why I was meeting the same men in different bodies, same money problems with different jobs, etc. 

Sound familiar?

I learned that I actually get to decide what is true for me - that I don’t have to live the same struggles as others and what was true for them does not have to be true for me if I don't want it to be. I learned how to listen to my unique intuition and once I learned how to do that, I started making choices for ME. Not for my family, friends, and everyone else who I was worried were judging me. Once I started to become the master of my mind instead of a victim to it, I started to act, feel, and carry myself with more confidence. I let go of trying to control everything and trusted my intuition to guide me.

Suddenly I began manifesting things (my dog, my current house, specific amounts of money to the dollar amount, etc.), experiences (meeting an entrepreneur who launched me into my own entrepreneurship journey that led me to starting a successful website design business at 23 yrs old and now my coaching business, etc.), and people (my amazing boyfriend and new genuinely kind and loving BEST friends (at 28 yrs old in a brand new state, that felt like a huge win), etc) into my life that I would have never thought were possible for me. My manifestation list is honestly so long now I don't even keep track anymore. It's a lifestyle! I couldn't believe it and honestly had a period of time where I thought I was going crazy because magic isn't real and it felt like magic was happening all around me. Like my life was suddenly becoming what I had always wished for.

I have become a committed student to learning about how to combine the human experience and the spiritual experience to live an unforgettable life.

Over the past 8 years and to this day I hire coaches of my own, I read endlessly, I take workshops, mindfulness courses and seminars to stay in this work. I walk my talk because I know how well it works and I want to continue living an intentionally incredible life. I do it not only because I am a personal development junkie but because expansion is what I am passionate about. I am my own guinea pig so that I can be a lighthouse for others trying to find their way.

I am a very right brained, type-A person which has allowed me to create a bulletproof process of re-creating your Self to become who you need to be to have what it is you want most in life. I have pulled together personal development, realism, mindset rewiring, and magical manifestation to all work together as one. 

If you're interested in learning about my process, take a look at my offerings page through the button below. If this is the end of your journey here, I wish you all of the clarity and abundance you are looking for!

See my process + offerings